Why Pitching Value, Not Features, is Key to Successful Product Demos

Sales Content
July 13, 2023

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Why Pitching Value, Not Features, is Key to Successful Product Demos

When it comes to product demos, it's easy to get caught up in listing off all the features and functions of your product. However, that approach can actually do more harm than good. Instead, focusing on the value that your product provides is crucial to closing deals and retaining customers.

So why is it important to pitch value rather than just features? First and foremost, customers don't buy products because of the features - they buy products because of the benefits those features provide. For example, a customer doesn't buy a car because of its horsepower or top speed, but because of the convenience and freedom it provides for transportation. By highlighting the value your product provides, you're able to connect with your customer on a more emotional level and make a more compelling case for why they should invest in your solution.

In order to effectively pitch value, it's essential to hyper focus the demo on the 2 or 3 aspects that solve the problems the prospect is interested in. This requires doing thorough research prior to the demo to understand the pain points of the prospect and tailoring the demo to speak directly to those concerns. By doing so, you're able to show the customer exactly how your product solves their specific problems and addresses their needs. This level of personalization and relevance can be the difference between closing a deal or losing a prospect's interest.

Additionally, by highlighting only a few key aspects of your product, you're able to keep the demo focused and concise. This not only helps keep the customer engaged and interested, but also ensures that they come away from the demo with a clear understanding of the value your product provides. Trying to cram in too many features and functions can be overwhelming and confusing, leading to a missed opportunity to showcase the true value of your solution.

In conclusion, when it comes to product demos, focusing on the value your product provides is essential to closing deals and retaining customers. By hyper focusing the demo on the 2 or 3 aspects that solve the problems the prospect is interested in, you're able to make a more compelling case for why they should invest in your solution. So next time you're preparing for a demo, remember to pitch value, not just features.

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