Building in Public
July 13, 2023

Table of Contents

The road to a 20% email response rate at Reach (3/5)

Prememoria: Reach is a sales enablement tool for hyper personalizing outbound emails at scale in order to save time while obtaining higher response rates.

Last week we looked at the changes we made to our initial email sequence. We specifically looked at the first stage of the sequence and how we improved it to obtain a better response rate. The first stage of the sequence is arguably the most important, but the subsequent stages are important as well. Today’s post will look at the 2nd and 3rd stages of our initial sequence and what we did to change them.

The 2nd stage of our first email sequence:

{{First Name}},

Reach improves your response rate by hyper-personalizing icebreakers based on info from Linkedin, company website, news, etc. so you can close more meetings at scale.

What response rate are you trying to achieve at {{company}}?

{{sender signature}}

The email itself is short and reiterates our value proposition, which are both positive aspects.

That said, there were a few areas where we thought we could improve:

Make sure they know that the icebreaker used in the previous email was written by Reach. Since we are using Reach in action, it makes sense to draw attention to it and use it as a showcase.
The question is too difficult to answer. It’s always best practice to make it easy to respond. A question can be useful, but it should be simple to respond to. It occurred to us that most people don’t necessarily have a target response rate in their heads. If they don’t know the answer they’re going to ignore us.
We needed to build more trust through value. Offering more value and doing more for the prospect is a better way of getting them to engage. We needed to give them something more.

The 2nd stage became:

{{First Name}},

Did you see the icebreaker in my previous email? That was written by Reach.

Reach improves your email response rate through automatically hyper-personalizing icebreakers based on info from LinkedIn, company website, news, etc. so you can book more meetings.

Let me show you - send me 2 leads (LinkedIn URL or Company Website URL) and I’ll send you their personalized icebreakers.

{{sender signature}}

This copy solves the points mentioned above. It’s still quite short. The value proposition is still central to the email. But now we are able to show them Reach in action while also offering to do some upfront work to prove the value to them.

The 3rd stage of our first email sequence:

Hey {{First Name}},

Haven’t heard back from you. We are building a more human way to connect with your prospects without sacrificing volume.

I want to be mindful of your time and bandwidth. Who’s the best person to chat to on your team regarding boosting your current response rate?

{{sender signature}}

To be honest, the last email of the sequence is often referred to as the break-up email and gets the least attention. The goal is to give them another opportunity to respond and also give them a way to pass you on to someone else or engage with you in a different way.

We didn’t do much tweaking to the 3rd stage in the second sequence. However we did want to offer them some more value by sharing our sales related content with them. The content is highly relevant to the people we’re contacting and gives us a chance to promote ourselves in a different way.

The 3rd stage became:

Hey {{First Name}},

Haven’t heard back from you. We are building a more human way to connect with your prospects without sacrificing volume.

I want to be mindful of your time and bandwidth. Who’s the best person to chat to on your team regarding boosting your outbound response rate?

PS. If you’re interested in sales content, my co-founder and I are writing about “building Reach in public” here. You can expect sales strategies, workflows, and ideas used in real cases.

{{sender signature}}

As you can probably tell, we focused heavily on how to add more value to the prospect. There are endless ways of doing so but these tweaks helped us to more than double our response rate.

Next week we’ll look at the other changes we made for our 3rd sequence that improved our response rate further. We’ll also take a look at some of the new sales channels we started to leverage beyond email.

Give your email a personal touch

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