Personalized email subject lines to increase open rates and engagement

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July 13, 2023

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Personalized email subject lines to increase open rates and engagement

As the world becomes increasingly digital, email remains one of the most widely used forms of communication. However, with inboxes overflowing with promotional and spam emails, it's becoming harder to capture readers' attention and increase engagement rates. One way to combat this is by using personalized email subject lines. 

By tailoring subject lines to a reader's interests and preferences, businesses can increase open rates and encourage more engagement with their content. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of using personalized email subject lines and provide some tips on how to use them effectively.


Personalized email subject lines have become a widely used marketing tactic in recent years. This strategy involves using the recipient's name, location, purchase history, or other personal information to create a subject line that is tailored to the individual. 

The importance of personalized subject lines lies in their ability to capture the recipient's attention and make them feel valued. When done correctly, personalized subject lines can significantly improve open rates and engagement.

Research shows that emails with personalized subject lines have an open rate of up to 50%, compared to just 20% for emails with generic subject lines. Additionally, emails with personalized subject lines also have higher click-through rates, conversion rates, and revenue generated per email. 

Personalization can help build trust and establish a stronger connection between the recipient and the brand, leading to increased loyalty and better long-term customer relationships. Overall, personalized email subject lines are a powerful tool for any marketer looking to boost email performance and drive business growth.

Statistics of Personalized Email Subject Lines

Statistics have shown that personalized email subject lines have a significant impact on open rates and engagement. In a study conducted by Experian, personalized subject lines were found to increase open rates by 29.3% compared to non-personalized subject lines. 

This highlights the importance of tailoring subject lines to the individual recipient. Additionally, the same study found that personalized subject lines had a 41.8% higher unique click-through rate than non-personalized subject lines. 

These statistics suggest that using personalized subject lines encourages not only higher open rates but also more engagement.

Another study by MarketingSherpa found that simply including a recipient's name in the subject line can increase open rates by up to 29%. The study also suggests that recipients are more likely to engage with emails that use personalized subject lines, with 75% of respondents stating that they are more likely to click on an email that addressed them by name.

These statistics highlight the importance of personalizing subject lines to improve email marketing campaigns' effectiveness. The data indicates that personalization is not just a "nice to have" but a crucial element of any successful email marketing strategy. 

Brands can use personalization techniques such as dynamic content and segmentation to personalize email content beyond just the subject line. By providing personalized content, brands can increase engagement with their subscribers and develop long-term relationships that lead to higher customer loyalty and revenue.

Benefits of Personalizing Subject Lines

Including personalized subject lines in email marketing can have several benefits for businesses. Firstly, personalized subject lines have been shown to increase open rates, leading to higher engagement rates from recipients. 

This is because individuals are more likely to open an email if the subject line is tailored to their interests or needs. Additionally, personalized subject lines can improve click-through rates, as the recipient is more likely to be interested in the content of the email if they feel it pertains to them specifically. 

This can also lead to higher conversion rates, as the recipient is more likely to take action on the content of the email if they believe it is relevant to them. Furthermore, using personalized subject lines can help to improve customer retention rates, as it enhances the overall customer experience and makes the recipient feel valued. 

Overall, utilizing personalized subject lines in email marketing can have a significant positive impact on the success of a business's marketing efforts.

Factors to Consider When Personalizing Subject Lines

When personalizing subject lines in email campaigns, it's essential to consider the following factors:

Audience Segmentation

When it comes to creating personalized email subject lines that effectively increase open rates and engagement, audience segmentation is a crucial step in the process. This involves breaking down your subscriber list into specific groups or segments based on a variety of factors, such as demographics, behaviors, interests, and more. 

By doing so, you can tailor your subject lines to meet the unique needs and preferences of each segment, making your messages more relevant and compelling.

There are several ways to segment your audience, depending on the level of detail you want to achieve and the data you have available. Some common segmentation criteria include geographic location, age, gender, job title, purchase history, email interactions (opens, clicks, conversions), and preferences (product interests, content consumption).

 Moreover, you can combine different criteria to create more targeted segments, such as "young female professionals who have recently bought beauty products and engage with our newsletter".

One of the benefits of audience segmentation for personalized email subject lines is that it allows you to speak directly to each segment's pain points, desires, and goals. For instance, if you segment your audience by location, you can use localized language, references, or events in your subject lines to grab their attention and foster a sense of community. Similarly, if you segment your audience by purchase history, you can use personalized recommendations in your subject lines to promote related or complementary products that they might be interested in.

Another advantage of audience segmentation is that it helps you avoid generic or irrelevant subject lines that are likely to be ignored or deleted. By understanding what matters to each segment and avoiding broad assumptions or stereotypes, you can demonstrate that you value their individuality and are committed to providing them with valuable content and offerings. This can enhance your brand image, increase loyalty, and drive more conversions over time.

Overall, audience segmentation is an essential strategy for creating personalized email subject lines that resonate with your subscribers and generate engagement. It requires a combination of data collection, analysis, and creative thinking, as well as ongoing testing and optimization to refine your segmentation criteria and subject line messaging. By investing time and resources in this process, you can maximize the impact of your email campaigns and build lasting relationships with your audience.

Personalization Techniques

Personalization Techniques are an effective strategy for increasing open rates and engagement in email marketing. There are several ways to personalize subject lines, including using the recipient's name, location, past purchases, or behaviors. 

One technique is to use dynamic content to tailor subject lines based on customer data. For example, if a customer has previously purchased a specific product, the subject line could include that product's name or category. 

Another technique is to use urgency or exclusivity in subject lines, such as limited-time offers or exclusive invitations. This can create a sense of FOMO (fear of missing out) and encourage recipients to open the email. 

Other personalization techniques include segmenting audiences based on interests or demographics and using language that speaks directly to the recipient. By utilizing personalization techniques, email marketers can increase the relevance of their content and improve their overall success metrics.

Best Practices When Personalizing Subject Lines

When personalizing subject lines in email campaigns, it's important to follow these best practices:

Keep it Short

Keeping subject lines concise and attention-grabbing is crucial for increasing open rates and engagement. Studies have shown that subject lines with 50 characters or less have higher open rates than longer ones. 

When crafting subject lines, it is essential to use strong, action-oriented language and semantically relevant keywords that accurately reflect the content of the email. Verbose language, filler words, and punctuation should be avoided to prevent confusion or lack of interest from subscribers.

In addition to maintaining length and relevance, personalization is another effective way to increase email engagement. Personalized subject lines that include the recipient's name or other individualized details have been found to increase open rates by an average of 26%. By segmenting email lists and tailoring subject lines to each group or recipient's interests and preferences, marketers can significantly improve their email marketing campaign's overall effectiveness.

Overall, when it comes to subject lines, less is often more. A concise subject line that accurately reflects the email content and appeals to the recipient's interests is the key to a successful email marketing campaign. By following these guidelines, marketers can effectively increase their email open rates, engagement, and ultimately, conversion rates.

A/B Testing

When it comes to crafting personalized email subject lines that generate positive results, A/B testing is an incredibly powerful tool. Through A/B testing, a marketer can examine which subject lines are the most effective at generating opens and clicks, and tailor their email marketing campaigns accordingly. 

A/B testing involves creating two or more subject lines for the same email, then randomly sending them to a segment of subscribers. By measuring the open and click-through rates for each variation, marketers can identify which subject line resonates best with their audience, and adjust their strategy moving forward accordingly. 

When conducting A/B testing, it is important to establish a clear hypothesis, set specific goals, and analyze the data thoroughly - paying attention to both quantitative and qualitative feedback. 

By conducting regular A/B tests, businesses can optimize their email marketing strategy and stay ahead of the competition - generating higher open rates, click-through rates, and engagement.

Avoid Spam Triggers

When creating a personalized email subject line, it's crucial to avoid words and phrases that can trigger spam filters and prevent your message from reaching your intended audience. Such filters are designed to screen out messages that are likely to be unsolicited or untrustworthy, using a variety of metrics like content, formatting, and sender reputation. 

To maximize your chances of bypassing these filters, you should avoid using words like "free," "discount," and "limited time offer," which are commonly associated with spammy messages. You should also refrain from using excessive capitalization or punctuation, as well as misleading or sensationalist language that could be interpreted as clickbait or false advertising. 

By doing so, you'll not only increase the chances of your email being delivered, but also improve your sender reputation and build trust with your subscribers.

Examples of Email Subjet Line Personalization

Successful Campaigns

Personalizing subject lines has been shown to be highly effective in increasing open rates and engagement. Many companies have developed successful email marketing campaigns by using personalized subject lines. For example, clothing company Stitch Fix saw a 75% increase in open rates and a 50% increase in click-through rates when they began using personalized subject lines. 

Similarly, travel company Expedia saw a 41% increase in open rates when they personalized their subject lines to include the user’s destination city. These success stories demonstrate the power of personalization in email marketing.

Other companies that have seen success with personalized subject lines include Netflix, which saw a 29% increase in open rates when they included personalized movie recommendations in subject lines, and Spotify, which saw a 30% increase in open rates when they included the listener’s favorite artist in the subject line. 

Personalization can also be effective in business-to-business email marketing. Software company HubSpot saw a 202% increase in open rates when they personalized their subject lines to include the recipient’s company name.

These examples demonstrate that personalization can be effective across a range of industries and marketing goals. Personalized subject lines can help to engage the reader, increase open rates, and ultimately drive conversions.


Creating personalized email subject lines helps to increase open rates and engagement. In this section, we provide sample templates for creating personalized subject lines that have been proven to be successful. One of the most effective templates is [First Name], here's [insert information that is relevant to the recipient]. For example, "[First Name], here's your invite to our exclusive event." 

This template is effective because it addresses the recipient by name and provides them with valuable information. Another effective template is [Number], [Reason], [Offer]. For example, "3 Reasons why our product is perfect for you - Save 20% today!" This template is effective because it provides the recipient with a clear value proposition and a sense of urgency. 

Another effective template is [Last Purchase], [Discount]. For example, "It's time to restock - Save 15% on your favorite products." This template is effective because it addresses the recipient's previous purchase behavior and provides them with a discount incentive.

Another effective template is [Pain Point], [Solution], [Offer]. For example, "Tired of taking notes by hand? Try our app for free!" This template is effective because it addresses a pain point that the recipient may have and provides them with a solution and an offer. Another effective template is [Emoji], [Offer]. For example, "🎁 Surprise! 

You've earned a free gift!" This template is effective because it uses an emoji to draw attention to the email and provides the recipient with a valuable offer. Another effective template is [Curiosity], [Offer]. For example, "Guess what? We have a surprise for you..." This template is effective because it piques the recipient's curiosity and provides them with a sense of mystery and anticipation.

In conclusion, creating personalized email subject lines is crucial for increasing open rates and engagement. By using these sample templates, you can create subject lines that address the recipient by name, provide them with valuable information, address pain points, and provide them with a clear value proposition and a sense of urgency. These templates have been proven to be effective and can help you create subject lines that stand out in the recipient's inbox and drive action.


The importance of personalized subject lines in email marketing cannot be overstated. It is the first thing that catches the eye of the reader and is crucial in determining whether or not an email will be opened. Personalization makes the subject line more relatable and relevant to the reader, leading to higher open rates and engagement. 

Best practices for creating personalized subject lines include the use of the recipient's name, location, behavior, and personal interests. Moreover, it is essential to keep the subject line concise and clear, using actionable words or phrases that highlight the value the recipient will gain from reading the email. A/B testing is a vital tool to measure the effectiveness of different subject lines, which can be further optimized based on the results.

The future of personalized subject lines in email marketing is promising. As email marketing continues to evolve, personalization will become even more critical. With advancements in technology, email marketers can now leverage more data sets and personalize the subject line even further. 

Artificial intelligence and machine learning will continue to play a crucial role in creating personalized subject lines that resonate with the reader. Furthermore, automation tools will make it easier for email marketers to create and send personalized emails at scale, saving time and resources. As the email landscape gets more crowded, personalized subject lines will be the key to standing out and driving higher engagement rates.

Personalized email subject lines to increase open rates and engagement-FAQs

  1. What are personalized email subject lines?

Personalized email subject lines are subject lines that are tailored to an individual recipient. These subject lines usually include the recipient's name or indicate a specific interest or need.

  1. Why are personalized email subject lines important?

Personalized email subject lines are important because they increase open rates and engagement. When a recipient sees their name or an indication of a specific interest, they are more likely to open and engage with the email.

  1. How can I create effective personalized email subject lines?

To create effective personalized email subject lines, you should use the recipient's name or indicate a specific interest or need. You should also make sure the subject line is clear and concise, and avoid using clickbait or misleading language.

  1. What are some best practices for using personalized email subject lines?

Some best practices for using personalized email subject lines include segmenting your email list to ensure that each recipient receives a subject line that is relevant to them, avoiding using personal information that could be seen as intrusive or creepy, and testing different subject lines to see what works best for your audience.

  1. Are there any tools available to help create personalized email subject lines?

Yes, there are several tools available to help create personalized email subject lines. These tools include email marketing platforms like Mailchimp and Constant Contact, as well as AI-powered platforms like Phrasee and Persado.

  1. What are some common mistakes to avoid when using personalized email subject lines?

Some common mistakes to avoid when using personalized email subject lines include using incorrect or outdated information, using language that is too sales-y or pushy, and over-personalizing the subject line to the point where it becomes awkward or uncomfortable for the recipient.

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